Docker For Beginners

Blog post description.


12/1/20241 min read

What is Docker?

Docker is an open-source platform that enables developers to automate the deployment of applications inside lightweight, portable containers. Containers bundle the application code, libraries, dependencies, and runtime, ensuring consistency across various environments—from development to production.

Docker Architecture

Docker's architecture consists of the following core components:

Docker Engine

The Docker Engine is the core of Docker and consists of:

  • Docker Daemon (dockerd): A background process that manages containers, images, networks, and volumes.

  • REST API: Allows interaction with the daemon via HTTP requests.

  • CLI (Command-Line Interface): Provides a user interface to interact with Docker using commands.

Docker Components

  • Images: Immutable templates with the application and its dependencies. Images are the blueprint for containers.

  • Containers: Runtime instances of images. Containers are isolated environments where applications run.

  • Volumes: Persistent storage shared between containers and the host system.

  • Networks: Virtual networks that connect Docker containers and allow communication between them.

Docker Registry

A repository for storing Docker images. Popular registries include Docker Hub and private registries.

Docker Basic Commands

Here are some essential Docker commands to get you started:

1. Installation and Setup

2. Working with Images

  • Pull an image from a registry:

    docker pull <image_name>

  • List all images:

    docker images

3. Managing Containers

  • Run a container:

    docker run -it <image_name>

  • List running containers:

    docker ps

  • Stop a container:

    docker stop <container_id>

  • Remove a container:

    docker rm <container_id>

4. Building and Managing Images

  • Build an image from a Dockerfile:

    docker build -t <image_name> .

  • Remove an image:

    docker rmi <image_name>

5. Networking

  • List Docker networks:

    docker network ls

  • Connect a container to a network:

    docker network connect <network_name> <container_id>

6. Volumes

  • Create a volume:

    docker volume create <volume_name>

  • List all volumes:

    docker volume ls